Solve test

1. For breakfast:
A - I can do without breakfast or have something very light, e.g.: fruit, cereals, and yoghurt
B - My preferred menu: eggs, toasts, some fruit
C - I mostly have something substantial: eggs and bacon, a few frankfurters, high fat sausages or meat
2. What meals do you prefer:
A - I prefer lighter dishes, such as: chicken breast, turkey, light fish, salads, vegetables, light desserts
B - Something between A and C
C - I prefer robust dishes, such as pig knuckle, roast beef, baked potatoes, some vegetables, possibly a piece of a good cheesecake as a dessert
3. What is your preferred climate:
A -I love the heat, I feel great on hot weather days, I hate the cold
B - I feel well both in hot and cold weather
C - I definitely feel better on cold weather days
4. What about coffee drinking:
A - a cup of coffee makes me feel great; I need it for a proper wake up
B - in fact coffee does not have a major impact on me, I drink it because of the nice taste and the smell
C - coffee is not good for me, it makes me feel shaky and unwell, with my heart pounding, I don’t like coffee - or I like it, but it makes me feel not well
5. What is your appetite level at breakfast time:
A - I’m not really hungry or not hungry at all, at times I forget to have breakfast
B - My appetite level is normal
C - I can’t wait to have breakfast, I’m getting up to have something to eat
6. What is your appetite level at noon:
A - I’m not really hungry
B - My appetite level is normal
C - I’m really hungry
7. What is your appetite level in the evening:
A - I’m not really hungry
B - My appetite level is normal
C - I’m really hungry
8. Are you prone to coughing, hawking or grunting:
C - I often feel the need to cough or hawk, without having a cold - If you face such problems - select C
9. While snacking during the day you chose:
A - vegetables, ripe fruit, sweet buns, white bread, sweets, fruit jellies
B - I can nibble on anything of the other two groups
C - salty, fatty snacks, hard cheese, meat, potato crisps, sour snacks, dill pickled cucumbers
10. Do you take dessert:
A - I love sweets and I often need to finish a meal with something sweet
B - I have some desserts from time to time, but I don’t really care for them too much
C - my favourite “sweets” are herring and dill pickled cucumber
11. How do you imagine an ideal lunch:
A - something light: chicken breast, some groats, some delicate salad
B - in fact, I have no special preferences
C - I prefer substantial lunch, e.g. pork chop, baked potatoes, stewed cabbage
12. What is the colour of your auricles:
A - my ears are lighter, paler than my face
B - my ears and my face are of the same colour
C - my ears are darker, redder than my face
13. How many meals a day do you have:
A - two or three meals, with no snacks
B - at least three meals, but I don’t need snacks
C - three or more meals, additionally some snacks in between
14. Do you get wet eyes and running nose:
A - my eyes rarely water and my nose is not wet
B - the moisture level is normal
C - my eyes water quite often, my nose mucosa is often wet without a reason
15. What about a high fat meal:
A - I hate greasy meals
B - I like it, but not too much
C - I love such meals, especially if they include meat, if I knew that they are healthy for me, I would have them often without any remorse
16. How do you feel upon a lunch consisting of a light fruit with a drop of cottage cheese or low fat yogurt dressing
A - it is a fine meal, it keeps me full until the dinner time
B - it satisfies me for a moment, but then I will be hungry again
C - it is for me just a snack; usually it makes me hungry, irritated and immediately searching for proper food
17. What is your reaction to mosquito bites:
A - nothing happens
B - they itch a bit
C - the itching is intensive, the skin is getting red and swollen
18. Do your eyes get itchy:
C - If you suffer from inexplicable eye itching, especially in the inner corners (except for bacterial infections, allergies or fungal infection) - select C
19. What about potatoes:
A - I don’t like them too much
B - I can have them but I don’t need to
C - I love potatoes, I can have them all the time
20. How do you feel once you have eaten red meat?:
A - eating beef, pork or lamb makes me feel unwell
B - it doesn’t matter at all
C - perfect, I love such food because it makes me feel better
21. How much saliva do you produce?
A - I feel that my mouth is always dry
B - normal level
C - I often react in salivating, even a though of food provokes it, I have the habit of frequent swallowing
22. Do you like vegetarian meals?
A - they are perfect, they make me feel very well
B - as an emergency, for I while I can do with such meals
C - they are for me totally unacceptable
23. When you have a meal just before going to bed:
A - I find it difficult to get to sleep, or I wake up and can’t sleep any more
B - I haven’t noticed any negative impact, unless I have too much
C - it is helpful, I need to eat something in the evening to be able to sleep well and not to get awake at night
24. What about having a cup of orange juice on an empty stomach?
A - I think it is a very healthy and tasty drink, especially for breakfast
B - why not, even though it is not my favourite
C - once I drink it I feel definitely unwell, with heartburn, hyperacidity and unpleasant sensations, it makes me irritated, even furious
25. A few hours without food:
A - 4 - 5 hours without food is not a problem for me
B - I can stand it without a problem, but sometimes I’m getting hungry
C - it is nothing for me, I can’t stand long breaks between meals, I can’t function without regular food
26. Irritation, even though we are rarely aware of this, is an emotional condition often determined by the metabolism.
A - if I’m upset eating meat or fatty food makes it even worse
B - at times food calms my anger down, disregarding what I eat
C - my anger and irritation is over once I eat meat or something fatty, heavy dishes make me feel better and calm me down
27. Anxiety
A - eating fruit or vegetables calms me down
B - eating anything calms me down
C - vegetables and sweet fruit increase my irritation and anxiety
28. Heavy chest
C - If you feel that your chest is heavy, as if you have breathing difficulty - select C
29. What food deteriorates your concentration?
A - meat and high fat food
B - it seems to me that no food type impacts my concentration
C - fruit, vegetables, carbohydrates contained in cereal products
30. Cracking skin
C - If your skin is cracking without any particular reason, usually on your fingertips, feet or heels - select C
31. Dandruff
C - i.e. peeling off scalp skin; if you face such problems - select C
32. What is your face skin complexion?
A - definitely pale
B - medium
C - definitely darker or high-coloured
33. What is your face skin condition?
A - more mat and chalky
B - average
C - fair, radiant and clean
34. What are your nails like?
A - my nails are thick, strong and hard
B - they seem to be average
C - my nails are definitely soft or weak
35. Retching
A - I hardly ever face retching, it is difficult to trigger this in me
B - it seems that my inclination in this reflex is average
C - it is very easy to trigger this reflex in me
36. Itchy skin
C - Some people have constant problems with itchy skin of their scalp, arms, calves, back - as a result they are scratching all the time - if you face such problems - select C
37. What are your meal portions?
A - definitely smaller than of the others
B - I think I eat no less or more than the others
C - my portions are definitely larger than of the others and I love second helpings
38. What is your personality?
A - I keep a distance, I am definitely a solitary type or an introvert
B - I think that I am quite average
C - I am the life and soul of the party or an extrovert, I love people
39. Red meat
A - decreases my condition and makes me feel worse
B - I have not noticed any particular reaction
C - I feel well, in fact much better once I have some red meat
40. What is the size of your pupil?
A - the diameter of my pupil is larger than my iris
B - my pupil and my iris are of similar size
C - my pupils are smaller than my iris
41. How often do you sneeze?
A - almost never
B - from time to time, even while not having a cold
C - on regular basis, especially after a meal
42. How do you react to sweets?
A - they usually satisfy my hunger, and they don’t cause any adverse reactions
B - sometimes sweets don’t make me feel too well, they often do not satisfy my hunger
C - if I eat only sweets I mostly don’t feel well, they provoke various adverse reactions, additionally they make me continuously crave for them
43. How do you react to sour food?
A - I don’t really like sour food
B - it does not matter
C - I love sour ingredients, I often need them
44. What makes you put on weight faster?
A - excess of meet and high fat dishes make me put on weight
B - disregarding the food type, I put on weight if I have too much food and too little movement
C - I put on weight if I eat too much bread, and other high gluten products and carbohydrates
45. What is your best menu for a warm diner?
A - something light e.g. chicken breast without skin, rice, salad, light dessert
B - most dishes are suitable for me
C - I feel much better if the meal is substantial, e.g. steak, potatoes, fired cabbage or some salad with olive oil dressing
46. Which symptoms are the most typical for you?
A - I often have goose pimples, my blood pressure is high and my heart is pounding fast
B - I’m somewhere in between
C - I hardly ever have goose pimples, my blood pressure is low, my heart beat is slowed down
47. How often do you have cereal products?
A - I’m often craving for a biscuit, cake, sweet bun or ice-cream
B - if they are around, I sometimes pick some of them, but not necessarily
C - I prefer bacon, dill pickled cucumbers, a kabanos (dry sausage), I can do with salty bread sticks or crackers, but later I don’t feel well
48. My hands are often:
A - cold and wet
B - normal
C - warm and dry
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